Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship
Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship
 Golf Brothers Coming from Pakistan.
Asia-Pacific Team Championships–Nomura Cup, 2007/10/2-5, Sunrise Golf & Country Club, Taoyang , Taiwan
The two brothers go to the same university and both majored in finance banking. They have the same coach and practice golfing together. Aadil began practicing at the age of seven, while Danyaal at 10. Their father was their first coach, and now they learn from the British coach.
In the Pakistan team at the Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship, there are two brothers, Aadil and Danyaal Jehangir. Aadil, 22, is ranked second in his country, while the taller Danyaal is the younger, ranked fifth in Pakistan.

The two brothers go to the same university and both majored in finance banking. They have the same coach and practice golfing together. Aadil began practicing at the age of seven, while Danyaal at 10. Their father was their first coach, and now they learn from the British coach.

Aadil will graduate from college next year. He said the two brothers share the same goal to turn professional one day. They will compete in the Asian tour following one or two years of practice. He noted there are 50 golf courses in Pakistan, and more than 1,000 young amateurs as golf becomes more popular there.

Brother Danyaal said because he started later than his older brother, he is more of a junior golfer and often loses to Aadil at tournaments. But he won a championship in Pakistan seven months ago, even beating Aadil. He made four birdies in-a-row at the final round to record his own best performance, while Aadil did not do so well. It was a very special tournament in his life, he said.
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