Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship
Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship
 The Nomura Cup Attracts Attention in the Region of Asia-Pacific.
Asia-Pacific Team Championships–Nomura Cup, 2007/10/2-5, Sunrise Golf & Country Club, Taoyang , Taiwan
Google has up to 41,500 listings of the championship. Japan and South Korea both have their official Web sites “asia-pacific.twgolf.org” on the tournament, which provides news in both English and Chinese, attracting about 9,000 viewers a day.
The Asia Pacific Amateur Golf championship being played in Taiwan has received world attention partly because of the wide use of the Internet and because of the media's efforts to meet the interests of sports fans.

Japan, Australia and South Korea have sent their media reporters or sports officials to cover the event. Japan's Internet TV Engine Network has covered the event and Japan's Golf Association has sent their Web site photographer to Taiwan, while its deputy secretary general of the international affairs department, Mr. I.G. Uchida reported the tournament every day.

Also reporting from Taiwan was the Munhwa Daily Newspaper of South Korea and Kompas of Indonesia. Australia's GDPS Company head, Dominica, filed reports to the company Web site, becoming the chief source providing news and photos for Australia's sports Web sites.
Google has up to 41,500 listings of the championship. Japan and South Korea both have their official Web sites “asia-pacific.twgolf.org” on the tournament, which provides news in both English and Chinese, attracting about 9,000 viewers a day.
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