Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship
Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship
 A Sweat Victory for Dldt, Leading Australian to Win “Five”.

Australia's 21-year-old Andrew Dodt won the title of the Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf championship on Friday, with a four-day total score of four-under-par 292.  詳全文

Asia-Pacific Team Championships–Nomura Cup(野村盃亞太隊際錦標賽)的最後決賽,風一陣陣地吹,雨勢忽大忽小,選手們普遍陷入掙扎。出發時領先的陳銘傳前九打爆四十二桿,結果僅以高於標準桿七桿的七十九桿作收,比昨天足足增加了十一桿之多,四天下來總成績為高於標準桿九桿的二百七十九桿,在個人組並列第三。團體成績方面,我國最後以高於標準桿三十二桿的八百九十六桿,和韓國並列第四。 詳全文
 The Nomura Cup Attracts Attention in the Region of Asia-Pacific.

The Asia Pacific Amateur Golf championship being played in Taiwan has received world attention partly because of the wide use of the Internet and because of the media's efforts to meet the interests of sports fans.Google has up to 41,500 listings of the championship. Japan and South Korea both have their official Web sites “asia-pacific.twgolf.org” on the tournament, which provides news in both English and Chinese, attracting about 9,000 viewers a day.

兩年一度的Asia-Pacific Team Championships–Nomura Cup(野村盃亞太隊際錦標賽),無疑是亞太地區最重要的團體隊際賽,本次在揚昇開打,特別受到亞太高協各會員國的重視,尤其是日本、澳洲及韓國,都派有媒體記者或高協工作人員來台採訪。拜網路發達之賜,若上google 查詢,這項比賽有41,500項結果可供查詢,而日本高協官方網站的消息更是日本當地媒體最主要抓新聞的網站。韓國高協官方網站也是韓國高爾夫媒體主要供應站。 詳全文
 Brothers from UAE Has Different Future Plan.

In addition to brothers Jehangir of Pakistan, another brother pair come from UAE (United Arab Emirates), 19-year-old Abdulla Al Musharrekkh and 17-year-old Ahmed Al Musharrekkh, who both were born in Dubai, a city where has been emerged rapidly in the Middle East. 詳全文

除了巴基斯坦的約翰吉(Jehangir)兄弟之外,這次Asia-Pacific Team Championships–Nomura Cup(野村盃亞太隊際錦標賽)還有另一對兄弟檔,那就是阿拉伯聯合大公國隊的Al Musharrekkh(艾爾‧穆沙瑞克),十九歲的哥哥名叫Abdulla(阿布杜拉),小兩歲的則是Ahmed(阿米德),他們來自最近最熱門、快速發展的新興城市杜拜。 詳全文
 Golf Brothers Coming from Pakistan.

In the Pakistan team at the Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship, there are two brothers, Aadil and Danyaal Jehangir. Aadil, 22, is ranked second in his country, while the taller Danyaal is the younger, ranked fifth in Pakistan. 詳全文

Asia-Pacific Team Championships–Nomura Cup(野村盃亞太隊際錦標賽)在揚昇球場邁入第三天,這次比賽外隊有兩對兄弟檔,其中巴基斯坦隊的Aadil Jehangir(阿迪爾.約翰吉)和Danyaal Jehangir(丹亞.約翰吉),兩人一胖一瘦,彷彿王哥柳哥。這對兄弟相差兩歲,哥哥阿迪爾二十二歲,身材較弟弟短胖,不過球技比較好,目前是巴國排名第二,弟弟丹亞排名第五。 詳全文
 Chen Records the Best Score, Leading Taiwan up to the Third.

The Asia-Pacific Amateur Golf Team Championship played into its third day Thursday under sporadic rains at the Sunrise Golf & Country Club in Taiwan's Taoyuan. Catching up from behind, Chinese Taipei's Ming-chuan Chen led with a tie in the third round with a 4-under-par 68, the best score of the day.  詳全文

受到颱風影響,揚昇球場的氣多變有如洗三溫暖,上午稍早天氣晴朗有風,近中午開始下毛毛雨,下午有短暫雨勢較大,但是到了下午兩點左右又突然放晴,太陽再度露臉。然而,中華隊的陳銘傳完全不受影響,靠著準確的推桿建功,打出低於標準桿四桿的六十八桿,從原本的並列十二,躍居至和澳洲選手Rohan Blizard(羅罕‧比利札德)的並列領先,同時帶領中華隊在團體賽直奔第三。 詳全文
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